
Innocent. (Jan.31, 2021)

I just finalized the latest tune, called “Innocent”, inspired by the movie called “Innocent days”, who's main character was acted by Yuko Takeuchi. All created and performed by Lux. Trap. Thanks, Lux.Trap

Background on “Rainbow”.

I tried to abstract the world, featured in the consecutive drama, once broadcasted in Japan. The story is a kind of love story between the younger man and a woman in 30s. The heroin was acted by Yuko Takeuchi, who deceased last year unfortunately due to self-kill. After her self-kill, I noticed I haven’t seen not so many works that she acted, although I was one of her fans... After her death, I have consecutively seen her works, such as Strawberry night, Innocent days, Flower shop without rose, and this drama, called, Summer Romance Shines in Rainbow Colors. Attributed to the title of the drama, I named my latest works as “Rainbow”, though very simple... By the way, why I was attracted by this movie, was that I had a similar experience when I was in younger days... Of course, it was before I got married to my wife... The situation was not completely the same as mine, but for my case, the ex-partner(not girl, but she was a mature woman) worked  as a teacher, while I was a part-time ...

Rainbow. (Jan.5, 2021)

  New music has been available at SoundCloud. Hope you’ll enjoy this tune and feel the world described in the drama, called ‘  Summer Romance Shines in Rainbow’. Written, Composed, Arranged, and All performed and manipulated by Lux. Trap. Title: Rainbow  Aメロ-1> はじめてボクを ひとりの人として 足りないと、間違ってると 気づかせてくれた 生きる世界が違う でも生きたいのはココじゃない キミのそばにいたい Bメロ-1> 一瞬で消えた幸せから 誰も好きにはならなかった 交差する想い どうすればいいのか もう会わない、と聞いて それは嫌だと 咄嗟に 何でそう言ったのか、分からない ただキミは優しく 包み込んで… サビ> キミが好き まっすぐに伝えた もう迷うことはない キミと歩む未来 一緒にいたい 互いに たしかめた もう怖くない そばにキミがいるから You’ll see a rainbow in the sky, that is over the sea,  over you and I, I will be with you  Aメロ-2> あなたを支えたい 誰の代わりでも  泣きたいときは泣いて Bメロ-2> 強いひと、ってよく言われるけど ほんとは少しも強くなんてない あの人の記憶が薄れ キミが埋めていく 寄せては返す波に寄り添い 今のワタシの心の中に 胸が苦しいほど 好きな人が… サビ> キミが好き まっすぐに伝えた もう迷うことはない キミと歩む未来 一緒にいたい 互いに たしかめた もう怖くない そばにキミがいるから — Interlude — サビ> キミが好き まっすぐに伝えた もう迷うことはない キミと歩む未来 一緒にいたい 互いに たしかめた もう怖...

New blog.

 To introduce my own music, this blog will be used.  I would try to utilize this blog for providing explanatory, supplemental backgrounds to describe individual, brand-new music. Thank you. Lux.trap